Social Norm Violation (by: Sara Walker)

I get very nervous about violating social norms.  Mostly because I feel so incredibly awkward that I have a meltdown.  That’s what happened last time I accidentally violated a social norm.   So, I picked something easy.

I was in the Wilk near some couches.  I spotted one that looked especially comfortable, but I saw another girl going towards it first.  She was a lot closer than I was.  To violate a social norm, I walked at full speed towards the couch, trying to “beat her.”  It would have been socially acceptable and normal if I had found another seat and let her have the couch because she obviously had claim on it.  But when we both reached the couch, I sat about 1 foot away from her, violating another social norm of American’s need for personal space.  She put her Ipod in and sat crunched up on the couch because she obviously felt uncomfortable.  I sprawled out on the rest of the couch, and I felt so incredibly awkward.  I couldn’t stay for more than 10 minutes.  I had to bolt because I felt so self-conscious.  What if we have a class together, or what if she moves into my ward?  She’ll think I’m crazy and tell everyone else.  I left after just a few minutes of sitting rather close to her.  I just pray that I never see her again.

This experience led me to realize that I am highly socialized by societal norms.  Who knew.


  1. #1 by christinesellers on May 29, 2012 - 11:38 PM

    Hahahahaha oh my goodness, way to go. I pictured this whole scene in my head and I am thoroughly impressed that you went through with it! I am EXTREMELY guided by social norms… to the point where I even tell my husband when he needs to be quiter if he’s talking too loud, etc. I haven’t violated my social norm yet, but reading yours gives me hope that I can succeed at breaking one soon. Thanks!
    Christine Sellers

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